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Kind Color Series Part 3 – Psychology of Paint Colors

You probably already know that paint colors can be very expressive of who you are, but did you know that colors can be used to evoke a certain feeling? This is especially true when using these colors to paint the interior of your home.  From relaxed and serene to bold and thought provoking. Color can… Continue reading Kind Color Series Part 3 – Psychology of Paint Colors

Kind Color Series Color Guide Part 2 – Color Wheel and Tones

It’s time to tackle choosing a paint color with confidence.  In order to do just that we’ll need to understand color shades, tones, and how to use a color wheel.  Before we begin though, did you read Part 1 of our Kind Color Series? If not, what are you doing? Check out Part 1 right… Continue reading Kind Color Series Color Guide Part 2 – Color Wheel and Tones

How To Choose Paint Colors For Your Home

We’ve discussed choosing paint colors here before, but we’re going more in-depth than ever before because, let’s face it, finding the perfect paint color for painting your house is hard! There are so many different elements to consider when choosing a paint color, not to mention the never ending number of paints out there! Choosing… Continue reading How To Choose Paint Colors For Your Home

Spring Cleaning – A Complete Guide to Clearing Your Home (and Mind)

Spring is here and that means so is spring cleaning! It’s something we all know we should do and yet we all might be avoiding it. Well, stop!  Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to rid your space (both mental and physical) of unwanted items and tasks that have been bogging you down.  Plus, we’ve… Continue reading Spring Cleaning – A Complete Guide to Clearing Your Home (and Mind)

Be Kind – Pass on the Kindness

One of the questions we get asked most frequently is, why would you name your company Kind Home Solutions?  It’s a perfectly reasonable question. There are so many great words out there for home improvement companies.  Why not something like Efficient Home Solutions or Quality Home Solutions? We also pride ourselves on those attributes so… Continue reading Be Kind – Pass on the Kindness

What is Plogging? – Living Green

Show of hands, who here has heard of plogging?  Alright,  we both know I can’t see anyone’s hands BUT I am going to guess that even if you’ve heard of plogging you might still be a little confused on just what exactly it is. Plogging is a new Swedish fitness craze that hit the social… Continue reading What is Plogging? – Living Green

When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your Home?

When is it the best time of year to paint the outside of your home?  If this is the question you’re asking yourself don’t worry, you’re not alone.  Generally speaking, exterior painting happens from March through November here in Colorado.  Overall our timing is flexible but when is it really the best time of year… Continue reading When is the Best Time to Paint the Exterior of Your Home?

Littleton House Painters – Find Your Perfect Painter

Finding the right Littleton House Painters isn’t always a quick Google away.  Sure, you can do a search online and find a huge array of painters but how do you actually find the company that is right to take care of your home painting? You know what you want. You want a company that is… Continue reading Littleton House Painters – Find Your Perfect Painter

How a Painting Company is Changing the Industry

If you’re a homeowner you’re probably familiar with the frustrations that accompany home improvement projects.  Maybe you’re a weekend warrior spending your Saturdays at Home Depot.  Maybe you prefer to let the professionals tackle your bigger projects.  Either way, I think we can all agree that there is a certain stress that comes with home… Continue reading How a Painting Company is Changing the Industry

5 Easy Green Gardening Tips to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden

Our Top 5 Green Gardening Tips aren’t just referring to making your space more lush.  With spring just around the corner, we’re here to bring you our top tips for making your garden more environmentally friendly.   Didn’t know that was something you should be thinking about?  No worries, we’ve got you covered. As an… Continue reading 5 Easy Green Gardening Tips to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden

Most Popular Front Door Colors 2018 – Find the Front Door Color for You

It’s a new year and we’re looking at the most popular front door colors for 2018. As a home painting company, we have some ideas for you!  Bold front doors have become a big things over the last few years and it’s a great trend to jump on since it doesn’t require too much on… Continue reading Most Popular Front Door Colors 2018 – Find the Front Door Color for You

First Time Homeowner Tips – Know When to Paint Your Home

Being a first time homeowner is exciting however, it can also be incredibly overwhelming when you’re not sure what upkeep your home needs or even where to start.  Spring will be here before you know it and that honey do list could be pretty daunting before you know it.  We’re going to be doing a… Continue reading First Time Homeowner Tips – Know When to Paint Your Home

Affordable House Painters in Golden – Finding an Affordable Painter

Finding an affordable house painter in Golden, or anywhere for that matter, can be a challenge.  You have to take the time researching, collecting estimates, discussing the project.  Essentially it’s a huge commitment of your time and energy but how can you really know you’re making the best decision for your home?   It seems… Continue reading Affordable House Painters in Golden – Finding an Affordable Painter

Best Indoor Plants for Your Home – Greener Living

Wondering what the best plants for your home are?  Of course you are, that’s why you’re here! Indoor plants are absolutely amazing for making your home (literally) greener.  They not only bring life to your space but they can have great benefits for the environment including purifying the very air you breathe. The downside? Plants,… Continue reading Best Indoor Plants for Your Home – Greener Living

Choosing an Exterior Paint Color – Benjamin Moore Top Paint Colors 2018

Happy 2018, everyone! If you’ve been thinking that it might be time to paint the exterior of your home but the thought of choosing a color makes you want to pull your hair out then we’re here to help. Benjamin Moore just released their List of Top Paint Colors for 2018 and let me tell… Continue reading Choosing an Exterior Paint Color – Benjamin Moore Top Paint Colors 2018

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